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Rejects ​

Rejected payments occur when the payment transaction cannot be completed for technical and/or practical reasons. In this case, the payment will fail and you will not receive the funds associated with the transaction. Such rejections occur, for example, when your customer’s account does not have enough funds to complete their purchase.

One-off payment rejections ​

Depending on the chosen integration method, you can then:

  • ask your customer to make another attempt at the transaction
  • send a new paylink to your customer
  • wait for your customer to make another attempt at the purchase

Recurring payment rejections ​

When a debit is rejected, the associated payment is labelled as failed and you will have to repeat the transaction in order for the sum to be debited effectively from your customer.

Monitor your rejections ​

On the Client Dashboard ​

You can find all of the payments and identify a rejected payment on the My Payments tab. Moreover, on the Statistics page of your Client Dashboard, you will be able to monitor your rejections percentage.

In the API ​

By making an API request, you will see all the rejected payments and be able to find the reason for the rejections using the response codes shown in the Documentation.