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Online store ​

The online Store is an e-shop that is maintained and hosted by Stancer. The Store is based on Prestashop technology.

Create an online Store ​

To launch your online business, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Store tab in your Client Dashboard,
  2. Create an online Store by choosing the desired domain name,
  3. Log in to your Store using the identifiers received by e-mail,
  4. Enter the details of the various products/services of your activity,
  5. Personalise the appearance of your Store, if you so wish.

Then, all you have to do is to send the address of your online Store to your customers. You will find this address on the online Store page of the Client Dashboard.

Manage your online Store ​

On the Store page of the Client Dashboard, you can access the following functionalities:

  • Suspend my Store
  • Delete my Store

Personalise your online Store ​

The Store uses Open Source technology. This means that you can modify the appearance and the functionalities of your Store, in particular by adding ready-to-use modules that are available online. This particularity enables you to update your Store easily. Numerous agencies and service providers can help you to develop your online store.

Limits on use ​

As stated in the Specific Terms for this service, use of the online Store is subject to certain limits.

  • Where is my Store hosted? Your Store is hosted by our French partner Scaleway, in data centres located in the EU.