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Disputes ​

After making payments, the user may be able to dispute one or more transactions. At this time, a dispute is generated, and you must contact us to accept the dispute, or provide proof that the user has indeed benefited from the service.

This section is designed to provide you with information on payment disputes that may concern you. It also explains the steps to be followed so that you can analyse any such disputes that arise.

General principles ​

European law authorises your customers to dispute the payment of a supply/service/good for thirteen (13) months after the purchase of your product and/or service. When a transaction is disputed, your customer’s bank will apply a chargeback to Stancer and refund your customer. As a payment institution, we cannot block a request made by one of your customers. We will then deduct the amount from your Stancer account or, if there are no funds on this account, from your Bank Account (i.e., the bank account linked to your Client Dashboard). You will therefore lose the amount of the transaction in question.

For this type of dispute, Stancer will bill you a flat fee, as stated in our Pricing & Fees. This flat fee is a direct result of the charges that are billed to Stancer by the Card Scheme members and banking operators involved in the payment dispute concerned.

Resolution ​

If a payment dispute appears to be unjustified, in your opinion, you may submit a request for resolution.

Resolution involves bringing together the various operators that are involved in the transaction. For example, for a card-based payment, resolution will bring together the Card Scheme members, as well as the issuer of your customer’s payment card. The operators concerned will meet and then study together the merit of your customer’s claim. In order to discuss the matter, these parties will need documentary evidence. Documentary evidence means any proof of the proper completion of the supply of your service or the sale of the good to your customer (receipt, delivery note, certificate of completion, etc.).

As a general rule, disputes are resolved within a 30-day timeframe.

Following resolution, if the operators decide in your favour, the amount of the disputed transaction will then be paid out to you and the flat fee reimbursed in a timely manner.

Submission of documentary evidence ​

To submit documentary evidence in connection with a resolution request, you must first locate the payment concerned on the My Disputes page. Then, click on the payment and submit the documentary evidence using the “Submit evidence” button. We will then send these documents to the operators concerned.

  • I disagree with my customer’s claim: what can I do? We suggest firstly that you make contact with your customer in an attempt to resolve your disagreement. If a solution cannot be found, you may then submit a resolution request.

  • What is the timeframe for a resolution request? As a general rule, a dispute is processed in 30 days. Nevertheless, the timeframe for resolution can be longer, depending on the complexity of the disagreement with your customer. Following resolution, you will be informed of the outcome and automatically credited if you are successful.

  • The outcome of the resolution is not in my favour: what can I do? At present, if the outcome of the resolution is favourable to your customer, the law does not provide you with any avenues of appeal.

Dispute status ​

The following table lists the different statuses of disputes within the Client Dashboard:

OpenDispute can be either accepted or you can submit a resolution request with evidenceA dispute remains open for 30 days
Send in processEvidence is being sent for resolution
Evidence sentEvidence was sent for review
CheckResolution is being carried outAs a general rule, disputes are resolved within a 30-day timeframe
AcceptedYou have accepted the Payer's dispute
WonDispute was settled in your favor: the payment amount and specific fees are going to be refunded
LostDispute was lost
Not contestableDispute cannot be resolved
Out of timeTimeframe to submit evidence has expired, the dispute is deemed accepted