Pour offrir une expérience facile à utiliser, nous proposons des bibliothèques Python, Perl ou PHP, et nous continuerons d’étoffer ce catalogue.
Des exemples de code sont disponibles dans chaque section. Les onglets disponibles dans le menu vous permettent de basculer vers les différents languages de programmations.
L’API est disponible sur https://api.stancer.com/
et supporte TLS 1.2, HTTP/1.1 et HTTP/2.
Cette documentation utilise httpie
(https://httpie.io/) pour les exemples en shell, et nos libraries pour les exemples en PHP, Python & Perl.
Par simplification des exemples, l’authenfication par votre clé d’API (--auth stest_xxx:
) est omise dans les lignes de commande proposées, mais vous devez la fournir à chaque appel.
Concepts clés
L’API est disponible sur https://api.stancer.com et supporte TLS 1.2, HTTP/1.1 et HTTP/2.
La même API peut être utilisée pour accéder aux ressources live
traitant les paiements réels et méthodes de paiement, mais aussi des ressources de test
pour le développement de vos logiciels et le débogage. Notre service API utilise des clés d’API pour authentifier les requêtes.
Pour obtenir une clé API, vous pouvez vous inscrire sur notre site web. Les clés API sont sous la forme de sprod_xxx
pour vos requêtes live
et stest_xxx
pour vos test
L’authentification à l’API est effectuée via HTTP Basic Auth. Vous devez utiliser votre clé API comme nom d’utilisateur et ne fournir aucun mot de passe.
Nous vous conseillons d’utiliser le mécanisme d’authentification de base de bibliothèque HTTP, mais si vous devez le gérer manuellement, comme spécifié dans HTTP Basic Auth, vous devez encoder votre clé API en base64 avant d’envoyer l’authentification correspondante dans un en-tête HTTP Authorization
. Par exemple, si votre clé API est sprod_xxx
, vous devez encoder sprod_xxx:
(rappelez-vous, le mot de passe doit être vide) en base64 (ce qui donne c3Byb2RfeHh4Og==
) puis envoyer un Autorisation: Basic c3Byb2RfeHh4Og==
en-tête HTTP.
Cette documentation se concentre sur les workflows des cas d’utilisation courants. Pour une documentation plus complète ou technique, veuillez consulter notre documentation OpenAPI Swagger ou Redoc.
Si vous avez besoin d’assistance technique sur l’intégration de notre API, vous pouvez rejoindre notre Slack communautaire.
Créer des paiements
Avec la page de paiement de Stancer
$ http https://api.stancer.com/v2/customers/ \
name="Foo Bar" email=foo.bar@example.org
"id": "cust_xxx",
$ http https://api.stancer.com/v2/payments/ \
currency=eur amount=100 customer=cust_xxx description="Test payment" auth=True
"id": "paym_xxx",
Pour créer un paiement, utilisez la méthode POST /v2/payment_intents/. Vous devez au moins fournir une devise (eur
par défaut) et un montant.
Si vous souhaitez associer le paiement à un client, vous pouvez utiliser le champ customer
et transmettez l’ID cust_xxx
Dans le cas des paiements basiques (objet payment
et méthode POST /v2/payments/), vous devez forcer la validation 3DS avec le paramètre auth=true
. Sinon, votre client ne pourra pas procéder au paiement, car sa banque refusera sûrement un paiement non authentifié. Dans le cas des intentions de paiement (objet payment_intent
et méthode POST /v2/payment_intents/), la validation 3DS est directement active par défaut sans avoir besoin de paramètre supplémentaire.
Vous pouvez maintenant envoyer votre client sur la page de paiement située sur https://payment.stancer.com/payment_intents/<pi_xxx>
. Remplacez l’ID de paiement en conséquence.
Une fois le paiement créé, vous pouvez le modifier jusqu’à sa capture par exemple pour refléter un changement d’achat, en utilisant la méthode PATCH /v2/payment_intents/{id}.
$ http https://api.stancer.com/v2/payments/paym_xxx amount=200
Avec l’API
Vous pouvez spécifier une URL de retour avec le paramètre return_url
. À la fin du processus 3DS, nous redirigerons votre client vers cette URL.
$ http https://api.stancer.com/v2/cards/ \
name="Foo Bar" number=4242424242424242 exp_month=10 exp_year=2024 cvc=424
"id": "card_xxx",
$ http https://api.stancer.com/v2/payments/ \
currency=eur amount=100 customer=cust_xxx description="Test payment" \
card=card_xxx auth[return_url]=http://example.org
"id": "paym_xxx",
"auth": {
"redirect_url": "https://3ds.iliad78.net/v2/redirect/xxx",
Envoyez ensuite votre client sur le auth[redirect_url]
donné pour permettre la récupération des données de carte bancaire et la validation éventuelle de 3DS si nécessaire. Après la redirection vers votre return_url
, vous devez vérifier la validité de l’authentification, puis capturer le paiement si tout va bien.
$ http https://api.stancer.com/v2/payments/paym_xxx
"auth": {
"status": "success"
$ http PATCH https://api.stancer.com/v2/payments/paym_xxx \
Si vous préférez collecter vous-même le numéro de carte, vous pouvez traiter un paiement directement et obtenir un identifiant de carte (tokenisation) avec POST /v2/cards/ avant de l’utiliser ailleurs dans les appels d’API. Dans ce mode, étant donné que vous manipulez directement les numéros de carte en clair, vous avez cependant des obligations réglementaires de conformité PCI/DSS à mettre en œuvre, dépendant de votre volumétrie.
$ http https://api.stancer.com/v2/cards/ number=4242424242424242 month=8 year=2026 name="Jean Dupont"
"id": "card_xxx",
$ http https://api.stancer.com/v2/payments/ \
currency=eur amount=100 customer=cust_xxx card=card_xxx description="Test payment" \
card=card_xxx auth[return_url]=http://example.org
API status code
Payment status
Le champ status
de l’objet de paiement indique dans quel état se trouve le paiement.
Status | Meaning |
authorized | The bank authorized the payment but the transaction will only be processed after asking for capture |
to_capture | The bank authorized the payment, money will be processed within the day |
capture_sent | The capture operation is being processed, the payment can not be cancelled anymore, refunds must wait the end of the capture process |
captured | The amount of the payment have been credited to your account |
disputed | The customer declined the payment after it have been captured on your account |
expired | The authorisation was not captured and expired after 7 days |
failed | The payment has failed, refer to the response field for more details |
refused | The payment has been refused |
Authenticated payment status codes
The status
field in the auth object returns the authorisation state for an authenticated payment.
Status | Meaning |
available | Customer strong authentication is possible |
requested | A strong authentication is awaiting for more information |
attempted | Customer was redirected to his bank for authentication |
success | Authentication succeeded, processing can continue |
declined | Authentication declined |
expired | Authentication sessions expired after 6 hours |
failed | Authentication failed |
unavailable | The strong authentication is not available for this payment method |
Payout status codes
The status
field in the payout explains in which state is the credit transfer which wires funds from Stancer to your bank.
Status | Meaning |
pending | The payout has been created and is awaiting for clearing |
to_pay | The payout is ready to be transfered |
sent | The payout has been sent out for processing |
paid | The payout credit transfer has been processed: funds have been received by your bank |
failed | The credit transfer has failed, please refer to you dashboard for more informations |
Card response codes
⚠️ = real code & reason must not be sent to the customer, replace them with a generic 05 do-not-honor
Code | Meaning |
00 | Successful approval/completion or that VIP PIN verification is valid |
01 | Refer to card issuer |
02 | Refer to card issuer, special condition |
03 | Invalid merchant or service provider |
04 | Pickup |
05 | Do not honor |
06 | General error |
07 | Pickup card, special condition (other than lost/stolen card) |
08 | Honor with identification |
09 | Request in progress |
10 | Partial approval |
11 | VIP approval |
12 | Invalid transaction |
13 | Invalid amount (currency conversion field overflow) or amount exceeds maximum for card program |
14 | Invalid account number (no such number) |
15 | No such issuer |
16 | Insufficient funds |
17 | Customer cancellation |
19 | Re-enter transaction |
20 | Invalid response |
21 | No action taken (unable to back out prior transaction) |
22 | Suspected Malfunction |
25 | Unable to locate record in file, or account number is missing from the inquiry |
28 | File is temporarily unavailable |
30 | Format error |
41⚠️ | Merchant should retain card (card reported lost) |
43⚠️ | Merchant should retain card (card reported stolen) |
51 | Insufficient funds |
52 | No checking account |
53 | No savings account |
54 | Expired card |
55 | Incorrect PIN |
56 | Card missing from file |
57 | Transaction not permitted to cardholder |
58 | Transaction not allowed at terminal |
59⚠️ | Suspected fraud |
61 | Activity amount limit exceeded |
62⚠️ | Restricted card (for example, in country exclusion table) |
63⚠️ | Security violation |
65⚠️ | Activity count limit exceeded |
68 | Response received too late |
75 | Allowable number of PIN-entry tries exceeded |
76 | Unable to locate previous message (no match on retrieval reference number) |
77 | Previous message located for a repeat or reversal, but repeat or reversal data are inconsistent with original message |
78 | ’Blocked, first used’—The transaction is from a new cardholder, and the card has not been properly unblocked. |
80 | Visa transactions: credit issuer unavailable. Private label and check acceptance: Invalid date |
81 | PIN cryptographic error found (error found by VIC security module during PIN decryption) |
82 | Negative CAM, dCVV, iCVV, or CVV results |
83 | Unable to verify PIN |
85 | No reason to decline a request for account number verification, address verification, CVV2 verification; or a credit voucher or merchandise return |
91 | Issuer unavailable or switch inoperative (STIP not applicable or available for this transaction) |
92 | Destination cannot be found for routing |
93⚠️ | Transaction cannot be completed, violation of law |
94 | Duplicate transmission |
95 | Reconcile error |
96 | System malfunction, System malfunction or certain field error conditions |
98 | Server inaccessible |
A0 | Authentication Required, you must do a card inserted payment with PIN code |
A1 | Authentication Required, you must do a 3-D Secure authentication |
B1 | Surcharge amount not permitted on Visa cards (U.S. acquirers only) |
N0 | Force STIP |
N3 | Cash service not available |
N4 | Cashback request exceeds issuer limit |
N7 | Decline for CVV2 failure |
P2 | Invalid biller information |
P5 | PIN change/unblock request declined |
P6 | Unsafe PIN |
Q1 | Card authentication failed |
R0 | Stop payment order |
R1 | Revocation of authorization order |
R3 | Revocation of all authorizations order |
XA | Forward to issuer |
XD | Forward to issuer |
Z1 | Offline-declined |
Z3 | Unable to go online |
7810⚠️ | Refusal count exceeded for this card / sepa |
7811⚠️ | Exceeded payment volume for this card / sepa |
7812⚠️ | Card temporarily frozen by the customer's bank |
7840⚠️ | Stolen or lost card |
7898 | Bank server unavailable |
Dispute response codes
⚠️ = real code & reason must not be sent to the customer, replace them with a generic 45 transaction-disputed
Response | Network | Meaning |
14 | National | Transaction not authorized |
42 | National | Duplicate processing |
45 | National | Transaction disputed |
1040⚠️ | Visa | Fraud; card Absent Environment |
1261 | Visa | Duplicate processing |
4808 | Mastercard | Requested/required authorization not obtained. Transaction not authorized |
4834 | Mastercard | Duplicate processing |
4837⚠️ | Mastercard | Fraudulent transaction; no cardholder authorization |
4853 | Mastercard | Cardholder Dispute Defective/Not as Described |
4863⚠️ | Mastercard | Cardholder does not recognize. Potential fraud |
Test data
Test cards
Number | Brand | Country | 3DS | Return |
4000000400000008 | Visa | AT 🇦🇹 | Optional | 00 OK |
4000000560000004 | Visa | BE 🇧🇪 | Optional | 00 OK |
4000002080000001 | Visa | DK 🇩🇰 | Optional | 00 OK |
4000002460000001 | Visa | FI 🇫🇮 | Optional | 00 OK |
4000002500000003 | CB | FR 🇫🇷 | Optional | 00 OK |
4000002760000016 | Visa | DE 🇩🇪 | Optional | 00 OK |
4000003720000005 | Visa | IE 🇮🇪 | Optional | 00 OK |
4000003800000008 | Visa | IT 🇮🇹 | Optional | 00 OK |
4000004420000006 | Visa | LU 🇱🇺 | Optional | 00 OK |
4000005280000002 | Visa | NL 🇳🇱 | Optional | 00 OK |
4000005780000007 | Visa | NO 🇳🇴 | Optional | 00 OK |
4000006200000007 | Visa | PT 🇵🇹 | Optional | 00 OK |
4000006430000009 | Visa | RU 🇷🇺 | Optional | 00 OK |
4000007240000007 | Visa | ES 🇪🇸 | Optional | 00 OK |
4000007520000008 | Visa | SE 🇸🇪 | Optional | 00 OK |
4000007560000009 | Visa | CH 🇨🇭 | Optional | 00 OK |
4000008260000000 | Visa | GB 🇬🇧 | Optional | 00 OK |
4242424242424242 | Visa | US 🇺🇸 | Not required | 00 OK |
4444333322221111 | Visa | US 🇺🇸 | Not required | 00 OK |
4111111111111111 | Visa | US 🇺🇸 | Not required | 00 OK |
5555555555554444 | Mastercard | US 🇺🇸 | Optional | 00 OK |
5200828282828210 | Mastercard | US 🇺🇸 | Optional | 00 OK |
5105105105105100 | Mastercard | US 🇺🇸 | Optional | 00 OK |
4000000000003055 | Visa | US 🇺🇸 | Not enrolled | 00 OK |
4000000760000002 | Visa | BR 🇧🇷 | Optional | 00 OK |
4000001240000000 | Visa | CA 🇨🇦 | Optional | 00 OK |
4000004840000008 | Visa | MX 🇲🇽 | Optional | 00 OK |
4000000000000077 | Visa | FR 🇫🇷 | Optional | 00 OK | status = 50 captured |
4000000000003220 | Visa | US 🇺🇸 | Required | A1 must perform 3DS | status = 0 refused |
4000000000000002 | Visa | FR 🇫🇷 | Optional | 05 do not honor | status = 0 refused |
4000000000009995 | Visa | FR 🇫🇷 | Optional | 51 insufficient fund | status = 0 refused |
4000000000009987 | Visa | FR 🇫🇷 | Optional | 41 lost card | status = 0 refused |
4000000000000259 | Visa | FR 🇫🇷 | Optional | 00 OK | status = 60 disputed |
4000000000001976 | Visa | FR 🇫🇷 | Optional | 00 OK | status = 60 disputed |
4000000000005423 | Visa | FR 🇫🇷 | Optional | 00 OK | status = 60 disputed |
IBAN | Country | Name | Birthdate | Return |
AT611904300234573201 | AT 🇦🇹 | Otto Normalverbraucher | 1971-02-02 | 00 OK |
BE62510007547061 | BE 🇧🇪 | Jef Van Pijperzele | 1972-03-03 | 00 OK |
CH2089144321842946678 | CH 🇨🇭 | Leonhard Euler | 1973-04-04 | 00 OK |
DE89370400440532013000 | DE 🇩🇪 | Max Mustermann | 1974-05-05 | 00 OK |
EE382200221020145685 | EE 🇪🇪 | Friedrich Robert Faehlmann | 1975-06-06 | 00 OK |
ES0700120345030000067890 | ES 🇪🇸 | Juan Pérez | 1976-07-07 | 00 OK |
FI2112345600000785 | FI 🇫🇮 | Maija Meikäläinen | 1977-08-08 | 00 OK |
FR1420041010050500013M02606 | FR 🇫🇷 | Pierre Martin | 1978-09-09 | 00 OK |
GB33BUKB20201555555555 | GB 🇬🇧 | John Doe | 1970-01-01 | 00 OK |
IE29AIBK93115212345678 | IE 🇮🇪 | John Kilkenny | 1979-10-10 | 00 OK |
LT121000011101001000 | LT 🇱🇹 | Jonas Petraitis | 1980-11-11 | 00 OK |
LU280019400644750000 | LU 🇱🇺 | Adalbert Boros | 1981-12-12 | 00 OK |
IT02A0301926102000000490887 | IT 🇮🇹 | Piero Pers | 1982-01-13 | 00 OK |
NL39RABO0300065264 | NL 🇳🇱 | Jan Modaal | 1983-02-14 | 00 OK |
NO9386011117947 | NO 🇳🇴 | Peder Aas | 1984-03-15 | 00 OK |
PT50000201231234567890154 | PT 🇵🇹 | Jan Kowalski | 1985-04-16 | 00 OK |
SE3550000000054910000003 | SE 🇸🇪 | Lisa Svensson | 1986-05-17 | 00 OK |
FR9430003000409249176322Z50 | FR 🇫🇷 | Gilles Dupont | 1987-06-18 | 00 OK |
FR2990665286926539507769811 | FR 🇫🇷 | Jean Banbois | 1992-11-23 | AC01 Incorrect Account Number | status = 0 refused |
FR8191676442817818484578833 | FR 🇫🇷 | Marie-Jeanne Sansbanque | 1993-12-24 | AC04 Closed Account Number | status = 0 refused |
FR3083648641551044006702169 | FR 🇫🇷 | Marc Barrer | 1994-01-25 | AC06 Blocked Account | status = 0 refused |
FR4200838098473368525032012 | FR 🇫🇷 | Sophie Fontek | 1995-02-26 | AG01 Transaction Forbidden | status = 0 refused |
FR7099253427049384102178149 | FR 🇫🇷 | Hector Fauché | 1996-03-27 | AM04 Insufficient Funds | status = 0 refused |
FR7240745948453163519978561 | FR 🇫🇷 | Lillianne Sansmandat | 1997-04-28 | MD01 No Mandate | status = 0 refused |
FR5533686478441573584650545 | FR 🇫🇷 | Vincent Refusé | 1998-05-29 | MD06 Refund Request By End Customer | status = 0 refused |
FR2488294045573706143240475 | FR 🇫🇷 | Eric Indécis | 1999-06-30 | MS02 Not Specified Reason Customer Generated | status = 0 refused |
BE08510007547063 | BE 🇧🇪 | Camille Honnête | 1988-07-19 | AM04 Insufficient Funds | status = 60 disputed |
ES5000120345030000067892 | ES 🇪🇸 | Pepito Pérez | 1990-09-21 | AC04 Closed Account Number | status = 60 disputed |